Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More framing action

Here is the result of our quest for the perfect brick by my pretty wife and I. We picked a hand tumbled ole orleans style brick. The catch is the added tariff for transportation of this brick all the way from Macon Georgia. Still quite a beauty though we broke the budget on this line item!

Another view of the front elevation. The window on the front of the garage needs to be lowered so that they are at the same height as the other windows on the front of the house. With my expert framers this will be no problemo.

Progress as seen from the street view. We had some good rain storms the day before and the soil was moist. We situated the slab so that it is turned away at a slight angle from the driveway.
This is the latest picture of the garage and backside of the house. Note the dormer framing on 2nd story. Soon the stairway will be in place which will give us our first views from above.
This view of the rafters above the family room. We raised the ceiling to 12 feet to give it a spacious feel. The 3 windows in the background will be sized 4060 (4" wide and 6" tall) fixed picture windows with transoms windows up top.
Here is my little one with a new found bed for her baby. Such a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. Nice brick! Me lika lotta. I like the tumbled look with the edges not being crisp, it's a better look and not so "sharp".

    House is looking awesome... It's going fast and looking good...

